Use it when you get bored using 'lol' and need variety
lmao, your joke was funny
by lmao_123456789 March 31, 2022
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LMAO and lmao mean laughing my ass off. It is often used when messaging and is another way to react to something besides lol.
*Someone sends a meme*
"LMAOOO, that meme was so funny."
by green tea ghost November 1, 2020
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lmao is the alternative of lol. its commonly used to show you are ACTUALLY laughing when spelled with multiple o's in the end.

Lmao is an abbreviation of the phrase “laughing my ass off. It is used to indicate that something is funny.

It's best to use LMAO informal conversations because it contains the word ass. Some might consider this a swear word and take offense.
Friend 1: dude that was the coolest night ever!

Friend 2: the way you spilled your hot coco LMAO

Friend 1: LMAOOOO
by niggadaddynigga December 22, 2020
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Acronym for Laughing My @$$ Off.
by KingBaolan April 20, 2016
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lowercase lmao is always used ironically
where the person sending this makes sure to let you know that they are in fact, not laughing
friend 1: insert mediocre joke or anecdote
friend 2: .........
friend 2 : lmao
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literally the new “lol”

it’s not even worth anything and you aren’t even laughing you just stare at your device and say “lmao” whenever to rather make them think you are still listening or you need a sentence filler but everyone has learnt what lol really means so you use lmao instead to make them think your laughing
beau crumbo: my bf broke up with me.
you: lmao

winnie nona : yes 😭 I didn’t mean too
you: lmao
by wee wee nona December 8, 2022
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It used to mean "Laughing my ass off" but at this point its just "Lol" but longer.
A: did you hear about bryan?
B: lmao he's kinda dumb
by tommygobrrrrr May 5, 2021
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