A latin woman (Latina) is a woman of usually Hispanic origins, usually very traditional (old school) in their interactions with family and relationships, and from many different countries that although have Spanish as a common language, are all very different culture wise; some physical features (some Latinas look black, others native Indian, others Caucasian) are very different depending on the region. Are usually very family oriented as a whole. Are usually very feminine and like men to be assertive and masculine, not weak and dependent on the female.
'That Latina is curvy and gorgeous'
by RoseFlower October 22, 2014
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most beautiful girls in the world...they have the nices asses,dark eyes{certian latinas have light brown eyes which is considered really sexy},sexy full lips,nice curves,passionate lovers, love to please the one they love
I'm white and I have a latina girlfriend. She has the nicest ass and is really passionate.Every guy should date a latina.
by ilovelatinas September 17, 2007
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A Latina is obviously a female of Latin descent hence LATIN-a this is indisputable the term Latina or Latino would NOT exist without the word Latin. In the USA people are brainwashed to believe falsified cultural linguistic information that’s NOT factual and incorrect in regards to Latin heritage/identity. The USA definition and how Latin identity is MISUSED in the USA this will NEVER be ok NOR ethnically correct #FACT. History can NOT be changed Latin(Latino Latina) is NOT a race meaning a group of people DESPITE of ethnicity who’s ancestors were conquered and forced to learn a latin based language. This obviously does NOT change history heritage and ethnicity and those who are and are NOT responsible for the Latin culture this again EXCLUDES the people of “Latin” America “Latin” Asia and “Latin” Africa NONE of which are Latin origin except for ROME ITALY which Latinized Latin Europe. Hispanic and Latin are obviously NOT the same thing and conquered native Americans or mestizos are NEITHER one because they’re of indigenous American descent which is a completely different continent than Latin Europe. So TRUE Latin women are Exotic women who descend from ROME Italy such as Italians Romanians ethnic French( the French are Latino in a small portion due to France being mainly white) then those who are Hispanic which is of Iberian descent again this is all Europe. So a LATIN-a is a women of Latin ROMAN DERIVED CULTURE. Historic facts are not an opinion Latin is ethnicity
I am truly Latina because I am truly an exotic Italiana whos ethnic culture descends from Rome Italy which is true Latin origin.
by Latina Italiana November 21, 2019
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a ethnicity of annoying, slutty, conceited females who think they are hot stuff, who pop out babies before their 18th birthday and look broke down by the age of 25.
1m HaAwWt cUz aM lAtInA!
by Chelsea Brown January 1, 2008
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the small population of women who have the worst freakin attitudes!!!
Man i just got cursed out by a Latina
by Carmicheal August 4, 2008
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a Latina is on average very hot, passionate Lady from any spanish speaking country. They are the most beautiful things god has put on this earth with nice butts, firm tits, huge hips, shiny black hair, and amazing dark brown skin. Not only are they the most beautiful things on the planet they are very passionate and wonderful lovers who know all to well how to treat a man. They have developed the wonderful habit of not being shy about their bodies and wearing very little clothing. ^_^ They enjoy anal sex and and seem to be willing to try that and anything else in bed
Damn, that latina got a nice booty.
by The Pimp Juice September 9, 2006
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Wow there's so much hate for latinas. I think the guy that wrote that latinas are the first to get pregnant and all of that. Well, havent you seen sixteen and pregnant on mtv? most of those girls are white. And that doesnt mean all white girls are like that either. I'm a latina and i'm a virgin. Lol. I have many friends my age 16 - 17 who are still virgins as well.

And about the body after pregnancy, if a latina has an ugly body after pregnancy, then there's the same percent of probability of a white or black woman looking bad after pregnancy. What makes us different is that we don't really mind that much about wearing make up or buying lots of clothes, we can go out without make up because we actually don't need it.

And yeah i have to admit many latinas think black women are less beautiful than us, but thats just an opinion. I feel really offended by all these things ive had to read. And arent we smart? Lol ive always lived in South America, im 16 years old and i speak english, a bit of french and german. Im graduating from high school in a month and a half and trust me i know many latinas my age who are a lot smarter than me.
And we are the most varied race, i'd say. I have a cousin who was born with blue eyes and blonde hair, and she's totally latina. I have hazel eyes and fair skin, and im latina. My mom is blonde and has green eyes, his brother has black hair but his skin tone is kinda red and has electric blue eyes. But of course we're not as white as caucasians, and we dont want to be. whats cool about being a blonde latina is that your skin is naturally tanned and our blonde hair is not like beach blonde, but more like a golden natural blonde mixed with light brown tones. Because we are a mix. You can't generalize.

I do have curves, and maybe most of us are like that, but its not like we care about it. Some girls use those "atributes" to get men, but its just like some white girls use their atributes as well, if they have some. And actually, ive seen north american and brit girls dress really trashy and showing a lot. We latinas dont dress like that, it just LOOKS like we do because no matter what we put on, we CANT hide what we have. So i hope now its clear that we're not all the same.
by GARFIELDLOVER October 4, 2010
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