Jonathan is the sweetest guy you will ever meet!! He's such an amazing boyfriend I can't even explain! ;) :) he's super sweet and incredibly smart. Anytime I need help he's always there for me :) :D I couldn't ask for more of a better person and boyfriend in my life! I love him so much!!! ;D He's the most positive person you will ever meet! I love to make him laugh or smile because his smile is the best joy I can find in life. I love you so much babe!! -Nicole ;) :)
Jonathan's are amazing, but mostly the one I have ;)
by nicoleb322 September 8, 2013
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A sweet, kind, thoughtful guy that can sometimes slightly off. Kinda lazy, but really hardworking when he tears into it. A guy that never gives up and once he finds that one true person, never gives up no matter what. Kinda sleeps a lot, but is cute all the same.
He's such a Jonathan.. sleeping like that at school. But how cute!

You're just such a Jonathan! You don't stop do you!
by PerfectFallacy June 21, 2010
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Short For Jonathan Meaning Gift From God. Also known as a sex GOD. Is a nice, well respected person and gets what he wants. Cares for his Girl friend stephanie elkareh and his close friends.Cares For His Family Sooo Much.
Loyal, Generous, Handsome individual, who is without a doubt the very best person to love. Intelligent, Subtle, Strong, Rock-like Men. The best Friends and very best Lovers
his girl friend wil be a girl name stephanie she will be very lucky to have such a nice handsome caring soul mate like jonathan
by goddis1234 August 14, 2011
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Jonathan's are players, that love to lead girls on and flirt with everyone. They're fun loving and caring and sweet as sugar. Bleach blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and washboard abs. theres no way any woman can resist falling in a long lasting love for a Jonathan.They have the biggest sex appeal you'll ever feel in your life, you wont ever sleep just wanting his body. Although they are extremley blind to what is righ infrot of them. A girl csn be hopelessly in love with a Jonathan for years in end and be willing to do anything for him and with him, and he will never notice and go for the whore who will give him what all guys want. Once you meet a Jonathan you will never be able to forget them. Jonathans will steal your heart and rip it to pieces, or if your a whore he'll take it and be so rough with it you'll never get enough. Jonathans are the perfect men.
Jonathan stole my heart, i want him more then anything/anyone in the world.
by NeverLetYouGo January 2, 2012
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You can’t stop how HUGE huge dick is, powered by BIG DICK ENERGY he conquers all.
by Hurbadurp November 18, 2019
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Jonathan has a big dick bigger than everyones
by jonny1savage September 24, 2018
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