A middle-eastern, metrosexual, millenial, hipster male. No man-bun needed.
Look at Johnie Dubai strolling down the sidewalk with his no socks, leather loffers, and capri pants.
Johnie Dubai is rocking the see-through white linen shirt so you can see his freshly waxed chiseled man-chest.
by Juuls Stach December 9, 2018
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A stick that has a used condom on its end. It is usually used to chase your friends around the yard.
Dude!!!!!! Stop touching me with that johny stick.
by ukrainekid May 13, 2007
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A drug dealer that only hooks up the schwag.
I hate buying from Dick he is a mutha fuggin Johny Apple Seed.
by Gerbert Johnstoy November 17, 2006
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An extremely dumb player with blond hair is notorious for sitting in bushes
by superbailz March 11, 2018
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A nickname for someone who works out and gets swoll like a beast, and plants the seeds of determination in all that observe him.
Dude 1: "bro look at that little guy over there he is so small but he's benching like 315!"

Dude 2: "I am so ready to work out now! that guy is a total Johny Apple Swoll
by DutchBeats April 14, 2011
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when someone says something will happen and the opposite immediately happens
can't believe PSG got knocked out cause he pulled a johnie
by AndreaTheApe April 13, 2021
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