The act of fingering two different girls at the same time (one with each hand), while simultaneously having a third girl riding you as you are sucking on her tits.
N: BRO, I think I peaked last night.
J: What Happened?
N: I went out last night and did "The Dirty Hungarian".
by thedirtyhungarian January 5, 2017
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When you're hitting it from behind and you sneak out and let your buddy finish up while the girl is unaware.
Todd pulled a hungarian switch on his wife and now she's seeking a divorce.
by Baby Thrower 2000 December 23, 2022
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A mixture made up of 60% alcohol (traditionally rum) that has at least 35% alcohol content and 40% lemonade. The lemonade cancels the effect of the alcohol causing drinkers to take in far more alcohol than they are usually capable of.
"Dude, you're so drunk. What did you have?"
"Just two cups of Hungarian Poison"
by bemoregame June 18, 2023
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The warm sensation you get when you sit on your hands and fart.
Jim: Dude it's so cold out don't you want to take some gloves?!

Barry: Nah bro I'll just use some Hungarian Mittens.
by weaselman February 13, 2012
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It's that thing where you have a bunch of midgets in a gangbang inside of a small european car (country non-specific.)
That taxi ride was such a Hungarian Clowncar, these aren't my shoes?!
by XCRRTY October 20, 2013
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When a man's penis is very thin, but the head is gigantic...resembling a lollipop. Often a condition that is obtained through puberty, can also occur during sex with a girl who has a very tight vagina.
She was so tight she turned my dick into a hungarian lollipop!
by CDizz1 July 4, 2012
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A gorgeous, loyal hunting dog that is so super cute you just want to hug it all the time! They are so friendly and cuddly, and are the most handsome dogs on the planet.

They often have bad wind.
Person 1: Hey man, did you smell that pong?!

Person 2: Yeah it must have been next doors hungarian vizsla!
by CYG.0402 October 10, 2009
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