1.An Asshole
2.Someone you want to kick in the balls and drag out into the street and use as a human speedbump because he is selfish and all he wants is money
3.Someone who cant pernunciate correctly
Man I just want to kick George W. Bush in the balls
by radly December 24, 2007
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The National Autism Association invited George W. Bush to give a speech in Washington, D.C.
by Dubyawubya August 22, 2010
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Statics show that he is the most unpopular president in American History. only 29% of this country like him. Turned America into a wealthy beacon of light and hope for the world into a drowning in debt, falling ecomnomy, most hated country in the world. Did his best to make minorities such as muslims look bad.
George W. Bush is proof that we are related to monkies and elves.
by B3NG4L1 4 L1F3 May 24, 2008
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George W. Bush probably the most destructive power in the world at this time. He has pointed fingers at every person in the world and has blamed them for his mistakes, labelling them "Terrorists." HE is the terrorist.
a joke:
On the first night of being president, George W. Bush was worried about being president, and was worried that he'd be good for the coutry. So on the first night in office, he fell asleep, and had a dream about himself and George Washington. He asked Washington "what should I do to be a good president for the country?" Washington replied "never tell a lie." Bush responded "well, other people really tell me what to say, so I'm not sure I can really do that, but thanks." On the second night, Bush dreamed of Jefferson. "what should I do to be a good president for the country?" he asked of Jefferson. Jefferson told him to "listen to the people". Bush replied "well, the republican party really is the one to give me my orders, so I don't know if I can do that, but thank you." On the third night, Bush dreamed of Abraham Lincoln. This time he thought 'good, this president is a Republican, maybe he can give me some advice I can follow!' and he again asked "what can I do to be a good president for this country?" Lincoln repied " Go to the theatre."
by Aarynia December 14, 2007
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1. Satan

2. The main reason the remaining 1% of the world that liked America began to hate America. Also, within his first term of office(WTF?), he turned, Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton's, multi-billion budget surplus into a multi-trillion, yes, trillion dollar deficit, fighting "his damned war". He also turned the Unied States Dollar from one of the most valuable currencies into worth less than the paper is printed on. Even the Dutch won't take our money, and they legalized WEED. (No offence meant to the people of the Netherlands)
Ex 1. a) If you shave Dubya's head, you will find the Mark of the Beast


Ex 2. How in the HELL did he get elected TWICE?
by Jay Booler April 11, 2008
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