Covfefe - cov-fef-fay- n. - Used to describe press lacking journalistic integrity, modern day Lugenpresse, fake news

The term covfefe originated in a tweet by US President Donald Trump, in an apparent misspelling of the word coverage.
"My coworker and I are very concerned about the baseless and slanderous covfefe being published in our local newspaper."
by Bill Grant May 31, 2017
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That feeling you get when you are so frustrated with the Trump administration you just don't have the words anymore.
Gah! Covfefe!
by Ardilla_Loca June 2, 2017
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Covfefe is an acronym
Oval Office Occupier
The United States President withdrew from The Paris Agreement on climate change, a real covfefe!
by Orangepurse June 2, 2017
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Concerted Onslaught of Verifiably False Editorials Faulting Enemies (C.O.V.F.E.F.E.)

A Press Coup or Conspiratorial effort to publish political gossip as a factual scoop with anonymous sources vouching authenticity

A short cue to MSM to 'Cover Foreign Enemy of Foreign Enemy' which is seeding distracting for public consumption
DJT: 'despite the constant negative press covfefe' ...we are gonna build that wall if it takes a GOFUNDME Campaign
by ThunderShine June 1, 2017
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1. a situation or entity that has failed in every way; something that has gone completely wrong.
"Electing Trump might have seemed like a good idea at the time but, unfortunately, his administration has turned into a real covfefe."
by The Titan Rose June 2, 2017
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Covfefe (noun): Physiological condition characterized by short, stumpy baby fingers that can't reach across the phone screen to hit all the keys on the on-screen keyboard. This condition often results in typographical errors while tweeting that are spread throughout the internet to great comic effect. Also known to present with orange skin.
Now I know why Trump's tweets never make sense. He's got a case of covfefe.
by TheRealEazyE June 1, 2017
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Acronym : descriptive -- Can’t Operate Very Fucking Efficiently Faking Effectiveness
Some people covfefe
by Robert the Punster May 31, 2017
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