1. Coo (Verb) - A complete state of relaxation and tranquility often aided by the use of marijuana.

2. Coo(ing)(Verb) - to be in the state of "coo"

3. Coo(ed) (Verb) - When coo is broken by inconsiderate fucks, due to the lack of understanding and appreciation by "non-cooers"
1. "Rahh lecture was long, man needs to coo."

2. "Man cant stop cooing, Jah bless"

3. "I'm all cooed out" (physically impossible)
by JakeKitch January 27, 2011
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p2: Coo'.
by nukamichianpaux May 12, 2010
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and adjective for a loud short asian girl that screams for no reason when theres drama. and calls other people names just for the fun of it when its not true. mostly considered to freshmans and always denies it when they're called it.
Emily Tran is such a coo coo girl
by jankykid June 16, 2009
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For a guy to flirt, date, or attempt any verbal or physical relationship with a girl. Derived from the symbolism of animals using mating calls.
"Where's Ryan? Is he out cooing with his girlfriend?"

"I'm not going to make it to practice today. I'm going cooing."

"Look at Justin cooing with that girl in the parking lot!"
by SouthWP February 9, 2013
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OMG you're so coo..
by CuunCuunLips January 10, 2022
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less developed stage or manner of babbling, tweets; murmuring meaningless mating calls (mostly as voice mails).
Cooing at babies is vital to British speech development, but often lethal to American speech development.
by 👹 murmur raider October 23, 2018
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The sound that some of the biggest "smaller" birds make, better known as pigeons. Usually hanging around parks and within downtown areas of large cities, these pigeons make a characteristic "cooing" sound.
Me: Look over there! Pigeons!
Pigeon: Cooo.....Coo....
by Mike Rotch March 25, 2005
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