To fall down from an erect position. i.e. biff, eat shit, slip.
She thought she was looking fine in those underwear on the catwalk, that's why she scrubbed and busted her ass!
by Roshuni Samuel December 12, 2005
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1. A low-life who can't make money for shit and mooch off of yours instead.
2. The clothes doctors wear because they're too chicken to get blood on their real clothes.
1. I can't believe Alicia's dating a scrub!
2. I need to buy some scrubs for work man.
by LOLLIPOP7400 May 18, 2020
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(in video gaming), slang, noun -

To play in a lowly, unsportsmanlike way;
To avail tactics (in-game) which are tantamount to cheating;
To play with a boring, unimaginative style;
To play a video game in the most base, menial fashion

(from: 'scrub', to rub vigorously; to scour; a menial cleaning chore)
'Only scrubs spam.'

'You're a scrub.'

'That Daigo Umerhara may be skilled, but he sure does play like a scrub.'
by Aisha Hymen February 9, 2012
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A word thats completely lost its meaning thanks to some people who only have a 3 word vocabulary which consists of nigger, skeet and scrub
person a :"skeet skeet scrub nigger skeet nigger scrub?"
person b :"no i dont give a shit about what you have to say."
by lbisaretard November 9, 2010
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A guy who thinks he's fine; also known as a buster. A scrub looks like trash and hangs from the passenger side of his best friend's ride when you look like class.
"I don't want no scrub. A scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me"
by TigBits&RongBips April 26, 2017
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The weakest, lowest, noobiest, person(s) of the chain. They can not fend for their selves, nor will anyone defend for them.

The sorriest of all people whom claim to be the best.
by Joloxsa Xenax December 21, 2016
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1. An idiot, someone who is stupid
2. Someone who dates a lot of people
p1- "Mate ur a scrub"
p2- "No, you are a scrub"
by Hopeful__ July 26, 2017
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