Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
by Taenun July 9, 2022
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1. Thing you shout for fun

2. An Islamic phrase, meaning "God is the Greatest" In Arabic: الله أكبر
Dude #1: Bro you sure you wanna jump off this cliff?
Dude #2: Hell yeah!!!
Dude #1: Fuck I'm out
Dude #2: ALLAHU AKBARRRR!!! (Explosion)
by rayhuang August 15, 2016
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Mostly shouted by people from the middle east, but it can even be said calmly for the same intentions - it means to detonate an object, a building or even a being that you dislike.
Mom: Whats good, homie?? How was your first day at work?

Son: I'm gonna allahu akbar the crap out of dat place!
by pwrflnigguh November 16, 2014
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What you say when you are about to blow yourself up at an airport
Suicide bomber: Allahu Akbar!
Crowd: *Panics*
Suicide bomber: *boom*
by a discord mod November 9, 2021
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phrase; a phrase used by people to express joy! the louder you yell it, the happier you are!
James: Yo, do you have any food?
Me: Allahu Akbar!
James: O shit!!
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allahu NOT-akbar
allahu akbar? like extra holes poked through your head by peaceful shrapnel are akbar: NOT at all!! Children who refuse to be sexually victimized have explosives lashed to them to spread the islam around in the finest particles possible (acerbic apologetics assault) as quickly as possible (explosive ecumenism).
by allah not akbar² June 15, 2013
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