If you know a Yasmin, you're lucky. She's got a whole aura of chaotic energy and crackhead energy
She's got a whole attack of inside jokes and innuendo, and a gorgeous smile. They can be quite shy but are huge extroverts more the less. With a love for music, Yasmins can turn anything into a song or dance, they're normally very happy people.

And definitely lesbians ;)
Guy: "Hey, who's that?"
Guy2: "Oh, Yasmin I think, I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian."
Yasmin: "BiTcH WHaT diD yOU fUcKiNG sAY?!?"
by harvey is sad January 9, 2020
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Yasmin is a sm0l bean
Yooo narlyy bruh that was so totally rad waves the ones yesterday were so small aaa haha ha totally like yasmin
by izzyh_07 January 27, 2019
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Stop playing with her she’s a yasmin
by Yasminnn January 26, 2021
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Weird teachers pet. Loves her pussies (meaning cats you dirty bastards). Has literally the best bf ever like he's actually awesome.
Girl 1: Look at that girl over there, she looks absolutely mental
Girl 2: Yep, that's Yasmin, She's going home to another night of solitude and despair.
by Gandalfthemuggle April 12, 2021
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Yasmin is the hottest girl in the century. She has a gorgeous smile and mostly every guy falls in love with her. She probably has a dimple and a smile line. That makes her even cuter. She has an outgoing personality and she has loads of friends. She could drop a friend anytime because she has loads of them. But do not fight with her.. she would beat ur ass up
Adrien: I think I’m in love with Yasmin
Caleb: Same.. she’s so pretty
by carmen pouffee March 15, 2021
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A Small Electric Mouse type pokemon from the series pokemon
Yasmin Is known as pikachu because of mop
Yasmin: GO
Tad: Pikachu
by CryptoCaned v2 March 6, 2009
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She was being a yasmin
by No_Games November 8, 2016
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