A silly religion that involves angsty teenagers buying lots of overpriced and useless equipment.
Guy - "Omg I must buy a book of shadows and a pointy hat."

Me - "Why?"

Guy - "Because I am wiccan and I will curse j00!!1"

Me - "K"
by mb_ October 3, 2005
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Wicca a relgion created No Earlier than the 1930's by a man named Gerald Gardner. It doesn't focus on magic it has nothing to do with magic. The Salem Witch Trials were about burning Witches at the stake not about burning Wiccans as they didn't exist back then. While it is a pagan religion (IE not a Christian one) it's hardly ancient and one of the youngest created religions to date. Wiccans are not, I repeat NOT witches.
Fluffbunny,The "Wiccan" wannabes who are delighted to be persecuted www.whywiccanssuck.com Real Wiccan A dedicated seeker who actually knows something about Gardner's original Wicca, including its dark side. These are the anti-fluffbunnies -- in behavior, speech, and practice. www.whywiccanssuck.com
by R. Reiven August 15, 2006
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First of all.... all of you ignorant people dont need to criticize something you dont understand or dont have ANY knowledge about. Wicca has nothing to do with demons and we dont WORSHIP anything. Wicca is an earth based religion that acknowledges the valuable resources that most people could care less about. We live because of earth,sun,and moon.With these three things brings life for all: medicine, crops, trees, everything thats real and in front of our faces. Without these things we would die. Magic isnt even a key factor in the religion....it's just a perk that WE know how to manipulate the energies around us by using the other 90% of our brain. We believe in saving the enviroment and charishing it with respect. In turn gives us back in life.It to me is the most real religion out there. The oldest one in FACT. Everything comes in pairs with equal values.You cant have one unless there's the other. So if you feel otherwise and dont accept our beliefs... at least have some dignity to know what its about before you go on a rant rage about what you think it is.....because you really have NO idea.
No examples here.WICCA
by Zinevra Fay August 21, 2008
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A religeon based on the worship of a Goddess and a God. Though Wiccans claim their religeon is thousands of years old, it was in fact invented in the late 1940s or early 1950s by Mr. Gerald Gardner, though admittedly he did incorporate numerous elements from diverse ancient beliefs.

A fact hotly denied by Wiccans is the fact that Wicca seems to have originally been intended as a European branch of Thelema, the religeon of Aleister Crowley. Indeed, Gardner's original works include large chunks cribbed from Crowley, but these were later removed in order to distance the Craft from the Antichrist.
An it harm none, do what thou wilt - the Wiccan Reed.
by Darth Ridley May 12, 2005
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Wicca is a softer word for pagan, but is also a softer side or paganism, in wicca you do not use the blood of animals in any methods.

Wicca is a life style and not really a religion, in a way it is living your life (with breath or not) to shape your soul into something of art.
If you are truly wiccan you are able to embrace every forth coming in your life no mater if it be good or bad.
by Jazzabell January 28, 2007
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Spirituality with-out sacrifice. The easy way to feel mystical. Manipulating spiritual forces that could be dangerous, weilding power no human is supposed to have and allowing potentially leathal spiritual powers into ones home and life. A dangerous practice that is 'cool' as apposed to 'boring, homophobic, unmystical' Christianity. There is a splinter-group called Christopagan. This abomination is the combining of Pagan/Christian power. Proof that these knuckleheads fear the One True God and try to involve Him in their life. By the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ most Christopagans are led into a true relationship with the One True God. Tragically deluded people who need help and prayer. In the film Signs starring Mel Gibson, a character named Merrill describes 'people who've never had a girl/boyfriend in their life who do this crap to feel special. They make up little codes and work on Greek mythology together, make secret societies where other guy/girls who've never had a boy/girlfriend either can join in. It's a scam." That is the perfect definition of wicca.

"wicca? What a load of crap!"
by PepsiCola September 15, 2006
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the belief of christianity and wiccans mixed.
people say its impossible, but from the bible we see, people usuing 'magik' to heal. Some christain-wicca's believe diffrent thing. But both belive that there are two forms of magic 'sympathetic magic' which is prayer and a more 'physical magic' which is sacrifices or herbs.
some believe in reincanation, some don't. some believe that the triple goddesses are the trinity, and some believe that the triple goddesses where sent down by God to guide us.
its not a stupid thing, its reasonable and its not fast growing its discreet, but its mainly about love and what you believe in. we don't have laws like chritianity or wiccans, we just stretch out.
wiccan: may the horned god bless you
Christian:may Jesus forgive you
christian-wicca: aww thanks guys! =
by Blehh blu blah February 8, 2009
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