the house, the pad, the cribo... the place where you live
yo im about to head back to the lab. My ol lady won't stop harassing me to get home.
by Nesbit H. September 3, 2008
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shortened-coloquialism for elaborating or an elaboration.
To elaborate the truth therefore to lie / be lying.

a. Verb: to lab; labbing
b. Noun: a lab.
a. John: I'm getting laid on friday!
Ryan: Quit labbing!

b. John: Kris told me he got head three times last night!
Ryan: Jeez, that's such a lab, you didn't believe him did you?
by Lou!s May 3, 2006
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Acronym meaning "Lame-Ass Ball Sweat." Used to describe anything or anyone that is beyond the average level of lame.
Jared: You guys wanna go to the dance party tomorrow night?
Alex: Dance parties are labs, dude.
Jared: But Tania is going to be there!
Chris: Tania is labs too.
by kommanderkool April 3, 2011
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We ran around and played fetch with her hairless lab all night.
by Dubious Skunk March 26, 2006
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Acronym for Liquor, Alcohol, and Booze. L-Liquor A-Alcohol B-Booze

Typically used when a lot of people who wouldn't want you drinking would be around, it also sounds cool when you use it in a sentence.
"Hey bro, they gonna have lab at the party?"

"Do you think you can bring the lab for tonight?"
by sunrisevista June 10, 2009
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a group of elite immortals dedicated to lifting weights and taking steroids.
yo have you herd about THE LAB? they come to hooters every tuesday night and eat 100 wings each they are monsters.
by LAB PHATHER April 21, 2011
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Lucky Ass Bitch - when you envy someone you would call them a lab to express how lucky to think they are. to express extreme lucky-ness... umm yea..
Guy 1: "yo man, i just got these new rims put on my ride!"
Guy 2: "You're such a Lab, man."
by [fuck] you September 24, 2006
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