The act of swooping in and snatching your buddies potential hook up or "prey" of the evening. Usually done in a nonchalant manner, and bragged about the next day.
Renter totally pulled a falcon on me last night and stole my hook up.
by Falconologist April 4, 2010
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A term used for a person who is everywhere at all times. You run into this person multiple times every day. This person will also go out of their way to make direct eye contact with you. This person is usually scary and will give you goosebumps when you encounter them.
Carly texting Erin, Anna and Megan: The Falcon has landed again! I've seen him 6 times already today! The falcon also looked over the silverware rack so just his beady eyes were staring directly at me. Gave me goosebumps.
by Stopfollowingmecrazybird October 20, 2011
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when a rugby ball or any other type of ball hits a person on the head.
derived from the rugby league game when Mario 'Falcon' Fenech was hit on the head by a football when it was passed to him.
john: hey dude a basketball just landed on that guys head
steve: oh really, theres nothing better than a good old falcon here and there.
by big 'S' July 11, 2006
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The most overrated team in the NFL. The Saints will absolutely MURDER the Falcons this year and the Falcons will finish in last. Known for not selling out their stadium even if the team is in 1st. Charles Grant will kill Ron Mexico (a.k.a Mr. STD)
Dude #1:
Yo dude, lets go see the Falcons get crushed by the Saints today!
Dude #2: Yeah, there'll be enough tickets for me to invite about 20,000 friends!
by Saintsfan2106 June 20, 2005
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When you blow a lead so bad memes are created in your honor.
They Falconed the whole city of Atlanta when they blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl versus the Patriots.
by Goonism101 July 18, 2017
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1. to lay down a beating from the air
2. When a falcon drops down to catch his prey
3. When a falcon excretes droppings upon an unsuspecting person
Nikola Pekovic got Falconized by Harrison Barnes in last night's game.
by ams0ul November 25, 2012
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A very low-quality hooker
Friend: Don't bother paying for that Falcon, it's not worth it
by UnhappyCustomer July 25, 2011
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