camilla assirati, amazing spy,accountant and friend. very quirky and creative and has an amazing sense of style
maisie: hey camilla assirati (fudge cake) the amazing spy

camilla: hey there maisie
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the kings wife

someone the uk is not that fond about
queen camilla is quite the cow
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Why u being so Camilla for?
by BigSlickRick June 14, 2017
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Camilla and Antonello are the best even if Antonello Is hopeless Camilla still loves him sium
Camilla: boi shut the fuck up

Antonello: she want me for real

Camilla and Antonello are enemies to lovers ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
by cam_gatito December 30, 2022
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Person 1: Who is that girl singing along to the minions soundtrack
Person 2: Oh thatโ€™s Camilla Fabian
by Mr. CAMeleon August 18, 2022
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An actress but better known for things she does on the mattress. Famously dated Joe Jonas, whom she supposably stole from Taylor Swift.
Camilla Belle spends all her time standing in the corner thinking about what she's done.
by tswiftlvr October 25, 2010
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