The practice of bombing or otherwise being destructive in an attempt to create fear among civilian populations. Forms of terrorism include hijacking aircraft, suicide bombing, and shock and awe.
Nouns - terrorist, suicide bomber, George W. Bush
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Anyone with a weapon who isn't American.
"we gunnar kill us sum towel-head terrorists. Hur hur." -George Bush.
by Goo May 1, 2003
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Some one who is associated or with stand the moral believes of one mahmoud moustafa
A lebo with glasses green eyes and a beard
by Mahmoud February 8, 2005
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A smaller less powerful nation is invaded and occupied by another with greater strength due to political, economic... reasons. Its territorial integrity violated, it's population humiliated who then try to fight off their foreign occupiers with all means possible including blowing them selves up with as many invaders as possible this is an act of desperation, but in what’s supposed to be the more civilised west it's defined as an act of terrorism???
by Ma Zhou July 3, 2003
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Chris: Yeah, his sister just died a few months ago.
Amanda: Oh my god, that's terrorful.
by ShoKill April 15, 2009
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Adj. Used to describe something that is at once terrible and awesome.
Check this punk mother fucker out. That dude is terror.

What are you wearing? Your gear is terror as hell.
by TophZilla October 10, 2007
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