an amazing girl. she is competitive but always makes sure that others come first. an beautiful person.
"yo did you see Tahlia she's so fine"
"i wish Tahlia was my sister"
by hiiiiiipeople May 29, 2019
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A whore,slut,ect.

Someone who wont stop calling you.

Someone who flirts with everyon...but her boy friend.
Did you see that girl last night, what a Tahlia.

Jeez that Tahlia is gting on my nervs.

by Kuroichigo November 4, 2007
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She is literally a furry bumhole. Seriously. May look like a human, but her kindness and intelligence is about as good as a furry bumhole.

She will pretend to be your friend and then oneday start telling others your secrets and will then ditch you.

She is most probably horizontally challenged and has a furry caterpillar growing on her face (MONOBROW!!!!!)
Apart from that, she is quite nice and funny.
monobrow bumhole fat furry large bully tahlia
by SEXgods101 July 24, 2011
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tahlia is a girl who loses all of her friends because she is annoying and stupid. tahlia is a genuinely nice person but gets treated like shit which makes her depressed. she is very ugly and has extremely bad grades. tahlia has mental breakdowns a lot and has super fun anxiety attacks. she obviously never gets the boy she likes because of course, he likes someone else.
wow i wouldn’t want to be tahlia
by tahlia ditusa October 23, 2019
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probably some ugly girl that you won't want to be friends with ever
tahlia is the worst
by butts on fire April 23, 2019
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Amazingly smart and cool human. Super grown up and born to do great things for society.
Ur such a Tahlia Astudillo!
by teaaaaaaaaa April 12, 2022
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