May 12 is the day you stay home with your girlfreind to takw care of how we feel, think and act. It also helps to give us a better view on things that could seem unmanageable
May 12 stay home with girlfriend: May 12 I went home to spend the day with my girlfriend instead of going to school, since it was stressful and my girlfriend made me feel much better
by Mi1763 May 11, 2022
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June 4th
Today is National Stay at Home Day! This means you do not have to go to work, school, or even leave the house.
"Ay yo, today is National Stay at Home Day, where are you going?"

"Well I was gonna go to work but not anymore!"
by handle_old June 4, 2022
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A woman who is to be taken care of and provided for so that she does not have to work!
I want to be a stay at home whit!
by Jazzaroo January 6, 2015
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A person or thing that chooses to stay home when allowed access to go outside.
Chris is a stay-at-home-junglefreak because he chose to not go out with his friends.
by Jungle Freak November 3, 2020
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A person or thing that chooses to stay home when allowed access to go outside.
Chris is a stay-at-home-junglefreak because he chose to not go out with his friends.
by Jungle Freak November 3, 2020
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In Australia and likely in many other parts of the world, a "stay at home order" is the equivalent to a lockdown order, necessary to restrict the movement of people who could otherwise spread the contagious virus variants of concern, such as the Deltra variant of the Covid Virus. Where 'stay at home' is sensible advice, a 'stay at home order' is implemented by the Government with various conditions on leaving the home (e.g. a permissible radius, basic necessities such as groceries and medicines, caring for someone, outdoor exercise within a certain radius, etc).
"The Premier of NSW (Gladys) issued a temporary "stay at home order" (otherwise known as a 'lockdown') as exposure sites to the Delta variant of covid seriously threatened the track record of protection/prevention measures in Australia."
by BrainyDame June 25, 2021
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