Rudy is gay as fuck , but he can kick your ass with a single punch
by Dennisrodman91 March 3, 2016
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A fucking ginger haired faggot always wears a hat because he got a haircut what looks like the hairdresser looked like she had artharitus

Here are some quotes some people will often say about a Rudy :

Look at that fat cunt walking across the road with his fucking New York giants hat what a fucking prick
Eg : look at that fat fucking prick Rudy wearing his fucking New York giants hat even though he doesn’t even support American football
by Tjfinn2006 January 7, 2019
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A random name one must shout everytime they berate a young child, or are yelling for no apparent reason, and in rare cases because one stubbed his or her toe.

This word possibly originates from the Cosby Show.
Namely the daughter of the main character, Rudy.
Rudy! You ate all the pickles again!
Rudy! This Tree is aproximately 94 feet tall
Ow my foot Rudy!
by Japanzie June 13, 2008
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Noun or verb. A person or a state of being silly. The extended phrase is a "Rudy-poo candy-ass." Made notably famous by WWE wrestler Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson between the years 1994 and 2004.
Chris Jackson is being Rudy.

Chris Jackson will check into the Smackdown hotel under the name "Rudy."
by R. Stark March 21, 2009
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Rudy is a loyal guy but not only loyal he could be nasty to and is very down to fuck anybody's bitch. Rudy is cool with anybody but if you fuck with him then theres gona be problems
Rudy is the fucken best nigga on earth
by Drake alaon March 14, 2017
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Grow up you little Rudy.
Awww whose my little Rudy.
by SYP26 June 1, 2009
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