residue built up from repeatedly farting on any type of object consisting of fabric (clothes, seats, blankets, etc) this leaves a heavy scent of fart in the affected areas
After eating Indian food, I had a massive amount of fart residue in my boxers
by hardhitr3 December 7, 2009
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The crusty red juice left around the base of the penis after having sex with a woman on her period!
"Sex with a woman is amazing on her period if you don't mind a little ruby residue"
by Puppybigballs March 23, 2007
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Dried up duckbutter dick and pussy juices; left over on your balls after you bust a hoes and had to run before cleaning up.
Tom: Man I got a bad case of the ball residue after Lisa's dad opened the door and I ran five blocks.

Jon: Damn that sucks what'd you do??

Tom: I clorox ready wiped that shit off!!!
by SkeetontheRunanddontgettheGun October 31, 2006
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The soaked in, gelatinous remains on your underwear after a very hot and wet fart.
by MrThatMan November 13, 2017
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A member of the female sex who is generally under prepared for the weekend and is forced to rely on the residue of others
Hey , can I please scrape your plate ? NO! You god damn residue hoe
by Syd the skid April 23, 2016
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When you wake up in the morning after a long night of weed and feel groggy tired and little loopy still. With residual high you’re more than likely to sleep all day.
“Ugh it’s definitely residual high. I’ve been sleeping all day.”
by Dilflover106 July 8, 2023
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Pyramid Scheme , Ponzi Scheme , building a pyramid of people to collect money through Residual Income
Residual income is an income that is residual !

Our company offers an income that is Residual from our essantial services .

Our Services are essential , and by selling our Essential Services to friends and family and building a team designed as a pyramid it would provide you with a Residual Income which again is ... an INCOME THAT IS RESIDUAL

Have you heard about our company that offers an income that is residual ?
by RESIDUAL INCOME December 12, 2018
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