Renata is a beautiful ,really smart and super caring person. She doesn't have much confidence ,but she's constantly trying to boost her friend's and family's and she's always there for them. She doesn't have much luck in relationships, but she genuinely belives that the perfect guy for her exists and that she will find love one day. Also, she's a great and passionate , self-taught cook and a wannabe marine biologist
Renata is a beautiful ,really smart and super caring person. She doesn't have much confidence ,but she's constantly trying to boost her friend's and family's and she's always there for them. She doesn't have much luck in relationships, but she genuinely belives that the perfect guy for her exists and that she will find love one day. Also, she's a great and passionate , self-taught cook and a wannabe marine biologist
by coolkid12357 November 21, 2021
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Renata is a baddie, she is spiritual, she’s loved, she’s crazy. She loves astrology and will read your horoscope and tell you that you’re fucked up because your a Scorpio. Don’t mess with her because even tho she’s light and sun and kindness she’ll fight you if you give her reasons to. Maybe even do a little macumba ;).
Renata needs love, attention and power and to party! She’s the funniest and the most pure person you can get as a friend and will always have your back, if you’re lucky she’ll be that friend that never leaves. She also has the best sense of humor.

If you wanna go out with anyone go out with Renata.

Renata gets whoever she wants. Renata is a goddess. If Renata wants you, you better act quick.

She loves pop music and Brazilian funk and watching shrek movies and barbie movies and cats.
Everyone should have a Renata in their life.
X:Omg have you seen that blonde girl with the amazing ss!?

F:yes! It’s Renata!
L:did you hear about that girl that flashed everyone yesterday?

T:yes! It was Renata!
Y: have you seen the new Portuguese girl?
K:yes! I heard she’s called Renata
by Lkkduerkk November 21, 2021
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A girl who deserved better.

With a passionate, restless heart, and a friendly, humble smile.

Too kind, always looking out for the people she cares about, but, at times, she should rest, and think about what she wants, that could make her a little more happier.

I wish i knew her better.
- Hey, did you saw that kind girl from yesterday?
- Who? You mean Renata? Yeah, she’s pretty nice
by Flowered Sidewalk November 24, 2021
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Renata means reborn, she very beautiful, she have beautiful eyes, that keeps changing colors depending on her mood. She is very funny and smart yet if you cross her she will break your heart in the most painful way, she will burn your clothes and give your number to strange perverts so you can get random calls in the middle of the night, so be careful and ALWAYS be on her good side.
Salah: Renata you have really beautiful eyes.
Renata : why you gay?
Salah : what do you mean?
Renata : you are gay.
by Sky097 May 2, 2022
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A type of Bitch that gets with everyone you could imagine. Loves to be the centre of atttention and doesn’t know how to keep her fucking hands to herself. She has no respect going into peoples houses and is one of the lowest people to ever live. She tries to be top shit but she can’t hide the fact that she’s a blonde stuck up two face bitch who never knows how fucking dumb she is the cunt. She never knows how to keep her mouth shut and aswell as he legs she’s like a 24 hour drive thru.
Oh who slept with my boyfriend oh that dumb bitch Renata
by May 2, 2022
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Renata verardi es una conductira de trenes con la habilidad de mover palancas con su enorme nariz, ella se caso con un simio troglodita y le gusta mucho harry styles.
by Tino_monte June 27, 2020
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Renata verardi es una conductora de trenes con la habilidad de mover oalancas con su nariz, ella esta casada con un simio troglodita y odia a jarri stails.
by Tino_monte June 27, 2020
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