Possibly the biggest dribble in the pharmacuetical industry.
Generic Scientist 1: "Nathan I need those test results."
by The Doctor123123 August 5, 2011
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A horribly debilitating birth defect where a person who is of very large stature has an average sized penis. The problem is that the average sized penis looks tiny compared to the persons huge body.
Girl: Damn you have a small dick
Guy: Bitch! its 8 1/2 inches long. I'm 6'8" it just looks small.
Girl: Sorry I didn't realize you were afflicted with Shaquille O'Neil Disease.
by Patient zero February 12, 2006
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A high school located in Fort Mongomery, NY. It's a school with army brats, rich kids, and ghetto m'fkas from places from NYC, Newbugh, Spring Valley are mixed in one school. Niggas are no joke here they don't take shit, especially none from those burke faggots.
Student 1: Yo waz skool u go 2?
Student 2 : James I. O'Neill High School BOI!!!!
Student 1: Yo didn't a girl from the soccer team get arrested for fuckin up a girl during a game?
by Wazgoodlike December 23, 2011
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The first time having sex with your girlfriend. You have meticulously planned every part of the event down to the most minute detail. It finally happens and it is executed with perfection, though your mind was hazy, and all you know is that it ended with a head shot.
I finally had sex with Trudie last night. It ended up being a Robert O'Neill, but it was great and I can't wait to do it again.
by Scotty Nice December 11, 2019
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Often spits when presenting classs. Always talks about his wifeee making the class think he's a multiplayer.

His wife is found at different work places on the same day.

Loves verbally raping #Timmy by giving him a sexual look
Timmy: Mr.O'neill can i have an extension
O'neill:Only if u let me ass fuck u
by O'neill at work January 14, 2019
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THe coolest teacher in the universe. So awesome that 1/3 of his class dressed as him on a friday. Sometimes he will give us goldfish. He is the greatest Social studies teacher. He always has his pocket constitution and volleyball rulebook.
He is so cool, he must be a Dennis O'neil.
by Coolguy_27 November 1, 2019
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A gorgeous girl, normally has brown wavy hair, that is always loving her friends and expensive things.
Omg did you see Ashleigh Mai O'neill? She's so pretty!
by Lil Taehyung April 29, 2019
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