A little romanian faggot with a small penis that enjoys fingering his anus with the backside of a spoon. He thinks he is smart but is actually the pure physical representation of the word “dumb”. Hes the time of person that would call you later on in life begging for a job.
You cant be this gay and dumb.
Ofcourse i can, im nicolas.
by Slabutitus November 5, 2017
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Looks kind of like Justin Beaver. Big supporter of Trump. Tends to spit on any opinion you have and does not know how to do work for himself. (Although despite all this idiocy he is pretty nice sometimes)
Person A: Yo, whose that guy over there.
Person B: Yeah thats Nicolas.
by hihwskndjnvjoe April 5, 2017
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1) To use a very large excess of a reagent. To bomb it. 2) To fill all one's cyclic structures with colors.


10 equivalents
"Hey how much MnO2 should I use?"
"2 or 3 Nicolaous should do it."

"Hey what's with that structure? It's full of strange colors!"
"Oh, I Nicolaoued it."

"Nothing's happening with my reaction..."
"You should just Nicolaou it."
by really cool chemist April 7, 2009
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Nicolae, a.k.a "Nicu" is the coolest person you could ever meet. He is caring, charming, helpful, joyful, funny, sexy and most of all smart. You can be sure that he will help you any time you are in trouble. He will give you solutions to almost every issue you encounter.

If you want an advise, he is the one to go to. If you feel blue, he is the one to cheer you up.

Never underestimate his power of reading people and make sure you never lie to him if you want your friendship to last for ever.

He never looks for trouble but if an exception is present, he will solve the issue as if it never happened.
by tkkarchdevil April 4, 2017
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A name normally given to only the most gorgeous of girls. A general music and party lover! She is a very determined person and won’t stop until she gets what she wants. She loves to laugh, and people who can make her laugh. Normally a person who has a great sense of style and knows what looks good. She is a great friend and loves the company of others; however she does not like to be rushed into things and likes to do things her way. Like many other girls, she likes to feel protected and sincere.
by MACH November 3, 2019
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considered gorgeous by everyone, guys love nicola's, girls are jealous of them. smile alot and know how to make other people smile around them. generous and kind. natural leaders and is quick to decide on matters. their first initive is always right. people see nicola's as an exciting, rather impulsive personality. nicola's are bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything. someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. people enjoy being in their company because of the excitement that radiate. yet she is often talked about, this is only the green eyed monster.
i wish i had legs like nicola.
did you hear that about nicola?
nicola is so hot.
by NiCOLA.xo March 21, 2008
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