On April 19, you get to post your girl and tell her how much you love her, how she really means to you, kiss her grab her, tell her that you love her, etc..
National appreciate your girl day is when you get to post your girl and tell her you love her
by Unknown.129 April 16, 2019
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October 16th, I now declare, be national appreciate your girlfriend day, this goes out to my girlfriend, she's the reason I came up with this.
"Today is October 16th, National Appreciate Your Girlfriend Day, I must go and show my girlfriend some appreciation for always being there for me!" Billy thought to himself.
by NexusWolf October 16, 2020
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White people appreciation day is on the 12th of February. Take this day to appreciate the things white men and women have done for the world
“Hey it’s white people appreciation day

“Make sure to tell everyone you know to thank white people for all that they have done!!”

National White people appreciation day” Is made to thank all the white people for what they have done
by WhiteWangALang January 22, 2020
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person 1: “There he is! There’s my favorite white boy!”
person 2: Well it’s actually National White Boy Appreciation Day: December 18th
person 1: I’m gonna post about him
by hannahwastaken December 18, 2020
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National Short People Day occurs on January 17th.
This day making fun of short people is NOT TOLERATED.
Things you can do to show appreciation for having to deal with getting fun of are: helping them get things out of reach, send a text or say in person "Hey, I hope you have a good day today since it's National Short People Appreciation Day!", or just being a good person to them.
(Short people are fully allowed to make fun of anyone who is tall)
Tall Person: Hey dude, hope you have a good day today.
Short Person: Why today out of every other day?
Tall Person: Because it's National Short People Appreciation Day today!
Short Person: Oh, well if that's the case then how's the weather up there you giraffe
by Apperition_of_death January 15, 2021
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National Soft Hat Appreciation Day is October 14.
“Dude, it’s October 14!” “So?” “So, it’s National Soft Hat Appreciation Day!” “Oh, good thing I brought my lucky Russian hat!”
by Soft Hat Lover October 13, 2020
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