Basically it’s the ugliest thing on planet earth, unless of course you’re me.
by Tooshlesksksksksk January 3, 2020
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“My mirror is always so dirty I can never get it clean..... oh nvm that’s me

“Every time I look in the mirror I think “wow I love being a scum bag

“Yesterday I broke my mirror just cuz
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An object that reflects light to show an exact image of yourself.

Or is it? Is it secretly showing you what you despise?


Friend 1: “I don’t trust mirrors, dude.”

Friend 2: “why?”

Friend 1: “they just. Stare at you.”

Friend 2: “no, dude. That’s your reflection you brainless piece of wet sour cabbage.”
by AbagelThebagel August 7, 2019
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When a male puts on their sisters or any hair extensions and masturbates to them self in the mirror
Bro last night I ejaculated so much cause I did a mirror mirror on the wall
by Charleroi trout January 29, 2021
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To flash one's body parts at someone by use of a mirror, such as that mounted on a dorm room wall
Me: ( standing on chair without pants on ) "Hey Bob! Look up."
Bob: "Goddamnit!! My Eyes!!!!"
Me: "You've been mirrored."
by Red Wolf April 3, 2007
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To be shook or stunned after finding something out. Describes being extremely surprised, as in how could you have not know before.
Lucy: It is so obvious that Julian has a crush on Kate.
Julia: What? How did I not notice that before! I am so mirrored.
Lucy: Everyone has known that for a while now...
by roccolovescheese July 29, 2018
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