Mina is so fucking fine in the man filter, she can pull any girl with that filter, she’s the most finest out of all of her guy friends, if she was trans you better get with her
Friend 1: Damn have you seen Mina with the guy filter on Snapchat

Friend 2: Hell yeah I have who hasn’t?
by Mina is fine June 18, 2019
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a fat girl who enjoys looking at their bestfriends butt, explaing how big it is & also, how jealous she is of it. She was born an akward child & still is 'til this day; also has a big head too.
Kimberly: can you move your head? damn it's like a mina.
Stacey: o____o; -insulted-
by shessofine October 17, 2009
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Mina is usually a black guy, who is very boring. mina can get very angry! usually a mina will be fat or have a fat sibling.\
A Mina will most likely have bad english and probally cant even spell their name!a mina is very prone to injury and is very weak, somehow everyday a mina gets a new injury,

steve; hey mina wanna go do something fun!
Mina; sorry i broke my ankle
*wears moon boot for one day then next day jesus miraculously heals his foot and he can walk
hi i dropped a pillow on my foot call 911 i am MINA
by FATWATTWATY January 23, 2019
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1: whoa that girls nose is hugee
2: yeah she's a mina.
by taaaaylor. November 15, 2009
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Extremely naive or/and oblivious to any form of human behaviour.
Dude,stop being such a mina.
by pado January 6, 2020
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The name Mina is a German Baby Names baby name. In German Baby Names the meaning of the name Mina is: Love.Mina means "everybody", and it's commonly used with "-san" on the end (the same suffix you put on people's names to be polite)"Mina", means "everyone; all" in the Japanese language. "Mina", means "to laugh; smile" in the Ainu language. "Mína", is a shortened version of Spanish female given name "Guillermina". "Mina", given name for females in Korean; the meaning of the name can vary depending on used hanja.
Guy: Ohayōgozaimasu Mina-san

Mina: Ohayōgozaimasu


Guy: Annyeonghaseyo Mina noona (bow)

Mina: Annyeonghaseyo (bow)
by Dunnnnn Dunnnnnn... January 29, 2020
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"The penguin" from Asia's one top girlgroup, TWICE. A goddess that fell from the sky. The black swan that moves like a flower. Stable vocalist, probably eating CD as her breakfast. A genius, she has more braincells than average people. An art, even when she breath.
Chaeyoung: Mina unnie is so smart

Kanzimaginer: yeah, I love myoui mina. She's mine.
by Kanzimaginer June 13, 2019
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