a really great person who struggles at times to discover who he is, but is unwilling to compromise his beliefs when it comes to what he knows is right. a music lover, a sensitive soul, a person who is always there for the people he cares about. he may be flaky at times, but he will always come back to those he cares about. a true friend. he also has a wild streak.
who's that kid with the heaphones?

oh, thats luke!
by German_1_Girl July 22, 2009
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The most amazing person in the world. Luke is brilliant, hilarious, and easygoing. Many people are attracted to Luke's personality and stunning looks. Luke is a loyal friend and ready to comfort anyone in need. His love for those close around him and loyalty makes him wonderful. Meeting a Luke will change your life because of his strength and love for others. He is a solid rock that makes it through the toughest situation, handling common issues with grace and ease.
That Luke is so amazing. Everyone loves him and he is the love of my life.
by imnotchristina September 17, 2014
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The sweetist most amazing guy on the planit, with the best smile I've ever seen. The one I love <3
by crazygirl7 February 7, 2010
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Continually completely screwing up beyond recovery without learning from previous mistakes
That guy sure did Luked it
by Chika Chikaa March 11, 2014
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A very cute guy with a cute ass smile and GREAT personality. He is super smart and knows it all. He might be a little awkward at first but once you get to know him, he can be really funny and loving. Hella chill and hilarious...just so sweet. Hard to find...lucky to keep. You can't help but fall in love with him more and more. Though he may seem a little ignorant but when he loves someone he loves hard and cares for that person deeply. So loyal and will love only the one person he's with. Seems like a good boy but he can be a bad boy and when he is...DAMN! he'll make you lose your mind...with high sex appeal, will be able to turn you on whenever or wherever. A damn good kisser, this man is definitely a god when it comes to this. When being around Luke, he can make you feel really safe, loved, and cared for...that's hard to find in a guy.

Not to mention how much he loves to eat, he would eat anything and everything, no matter what it is. (just gotta be a good cook ;) )
"I miss you, Luke."
by Luna.3 September 14, 2019
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Someone who drives you crazy (in love, that is.) He makes you laugh, think, better yourself. If you find him, keep him, your officially the luckiest person in the world!!!!!
Look at that girl, with that guy, he must be Luke
by Kake ;) August 30, 2010
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