A 178 chapter long Frerard (not yet completed) story on theblackparade.net that is the longest story on the site. It's written by Nukyster and features a mentally instable adaptation of Gerard Way and his suicidal 16 year old boyfriend, an adaptation of Frank Iero.
"dude, did you read CLYL on theblackparade.net?"
"Crazy Like You, Lollipop!!"
"Oh, yea man I love that story! It's so long..."
"Yea, but it's pretty amazing."
by babyblue(: November 9, 2010
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i rlly like u, but i’m too scared to tell you and we haven’t talked in a while :(. text me soon <3
him: “hey we haven’t talked in a while, what’s up?”
me: “i like you a lot”
by urss1mp October 13, 2021
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I have the slightest bit of feelings for you, i also have told that too 10 other girls.
by Frh55822404 June 28, 2017
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Moto Moto is a character from Madagascar movies and likes everyone and everything big and chunky
Friend:look out I think Moto Moto likes you.here he comes!
Moto Moto emerges from water:I like em big I like em Chunky
by Poopdiscoop woopdiscoop April 21, 2019
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Hey baby, you should know that ever since I met you, that "I really like you."
by Nelly Jelly February 10, 2004
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