Any sexual act including the anus getting banged by a gang.
by Goldfoot March 13, 2005
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Shit talk; running of the mouth; someone going on and on about nothing
Girl 1: You know Linda stuffs!!
Girl 2: Bitch you know all that's a bunch of lala.

Boy 1: Man, that dude is sweet you know he still gets that ass whiped by his pops on the regular. If I was him I would've been left that house. You know his moms don't even step in and the dude is...
Boy 2: Yo son, sut up with all that lala. You know if he was here you wouldn't be statin' that shit.
by Finesse April 13, 2005
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Term used when describing an action of jumping up and down.
You make me wanna lala, because I'm so excited to see you!
by CrazySBO May 11, 2006
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sumthing zune will often say when she is spaztic, crazy, or feeling particularly dumb.
Gurl 1: YO Zune! wt's up?
Zune: Im feeling so lala!!
Gurl 1: What...?
Zune: wakakaka im sorry i jux feel lala
by Zune May 6, 2005
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A person from LA visiting any other place but LA. See gaper.
All the Lalas are up this weekend with their hummers and ugg boots
by grrrrr May 17, 2005
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