Usually sexy. They're older than their girlfriends. They usually either have blonde, brown, or black hair. Normally curly. They are tan. They treat women with respect. When his friends say "bros before hoes" he corrects them that its his girlfriend first. She's his priority. He loves to party. Weed, alcohol and girls and he's set. He likes having people's exes. He's very outgoing and loud.
"Did you see him? He must be a Keith."
by RockYourNight June 4, 2013
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They are usually sarcastic yet also uncomfortable around most people in their life. Normally they will have either brown eyes or brown hair. They are polite to only certain people that they care about. Trusting no one, Keiths are normally paranoid and deep in their own thoughts. They are very likely to be successful, but they are dangerous to be around.
Keiths are usually the scariest people you could meet. (only in my opinion)
by Kim Jean May 30, 2018
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Possibly the ugliest male name in the entirety of the English Language. A name that nearly destroys the chances of getting laid for anyone who bears it.
From family guy:
Security system: "What is the ugliest male name?"
Peter: "hmmmmm..........keith"
Security system: ".....correct"
by bluhluhluhschning August 9, 2011
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A stupid ugly faggot, that sucks giant veiny cock. He enjoys slurping the white, thick liquids that emerge from the end of a penis. Generally a short ugly fag, Keith eats poo.
That Keith kid is as described.
by Keith9786 December 25, 2012
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Reference to cocaine. Named after Keith Hernandez of the 1986 New York Mets who was rumored to be a cocaine user.
You got any Keith?
by McSorely's September 22, 2008
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Typically an overweight, condescending kind of guy who gets his daily elitist fixes by pointing out the obvious. A Keith generally fears change and will use any excuse, no matter how ridiculous, to avoid changing anything. Petty, stubborn, arrogant, paranoid and exceptionally small minded. Often found working in IT offices around the country.
Andy: Keith, have you changed something?
Keith: Maybe
Andy: Any ideas as to what you might have changed?
~ 2 minutes elapses ~
Keith: No, soz. I knew a couple of minutes ago though

by ScarredByKeiths August 29, 2010
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-The most unattractive male name.
- typically an ass who feels as though he's entitled to everything and who does nothing to support that attitude.
Keith -A redneck who thinks its cool to save beer can tabs.
by Rose Elizabeth Dawson September 26, 2010
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