A sexy girl, who loves to spend time with guys. a girl who doesnt care much about money but she loves things that comes from the heart.
that girls so sweet! shes such a Josie!
by baby_love March 9, 2009
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A very fun and loving girl who is so nice and everyone loves her. She is a boy magnet and she is so gorgeous. She usually has blue or green eyes with any hair color. Keep in mind, they aren't hoes, but they do get most of the guys and they know how to handle their beauty.

Josie's usually are the life of the party, but they can also be the mom of the group when necessary. They always have lots of friends and can make them easily.

Josie's can also be a little feisty sometimes. You won't want to get on their bad side because they know so many people that they could easily do something to hurt your reputation. Make sure you're nice!
Kyle: Dude, did you see Josie today?!?! She looks so good!

Caden: Yeah dude. She's so nice and pretty, I wish she was mine and not Joe's :(
by hahayouthought1234 November 3, 2019
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any girl that drives a guy crazy in every sense of the word.
by the_fonz31 June 30, 2009
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She is my best friend and forever will be. Who is always there and I can always count on her either to keep a secret or blab something I told her to pass on
Person: Who is that girl?
Me: Oh that's just my Josie!
by RikDe November 30, 2008
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Josie's are usually short and playful. they have a thing for bad boys and screamo music. they are in love with miss me jeans and boys who's names begin with C or M or J. they love monsters. They are usually good singers. They are creative and smart and funny. she will befriend you immediately. They almost always have brownish-red hair but deny the red part. they also are beautiful and inspiring naturally in every way.
Me: Josie is Amazing. she is the best friend i could ask for. she listened to me blab all night long about how i hate my life and didn't complain once!

You: That's a Josie For Ya!
by ARandomPersonWhoLikesTyping January 19, 2011
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Josie is a short, hot, flirtatious girl who usually can get any guy she desires. She also has DAT BLACK ASS! Has lots of freinds and is usually in the "in" crowd. Most people love her.
Dude. Josie is so hot. I wanna tap DAT BLACK ASS!
by Josie Modica April 23, 2011
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