A guy that is so big no one can get in his way.
Sam: Wow, That guy March is such a fridge!

Jack: He should be called The Fridge...
by Turndaddy69 May 4, 2016
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From Cockney rhyming slang Fridge Freezer - Geezer. Someone who's a bit whoaaa, a bit yeahh
Cor! That bloke is a right fridge - i'd give him one!
by Frij August 1, 2003
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Originated from the joke about a mother who named her retarded kid "Fridge" after a Fridge fell on his head as a young boy.

Also known as "Fridge Faggart" or more commonly "John Taggart", he is an extremly stupid individual. He may think of stupid things that you would never think of.

An "Idiot" or "n00b"

Sometimes used for cooling beverages or foods that have manditory refrigerating needs.

Common Sayings:
"I'm stupid, look at me!"
"I hate it when u call me dum shit!"
"Shut up Jeff"
"Hey FRIDGE you faggot."
"Look who it is, FRIDGE Faggart"
"Ahahahah John you FRIDGE"
by devils haircut February 5, 2003
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To get hit by a person so hard its like being hit like a fridge. Preferably when the person is cold, hard and heartless as a fridge is.
Yea man he got fridged and couldn't get up dawg
by Miamibeach April 28, 2011
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When you are sexually inactive and don't wanna fuck or do anything
Oscar: hey dude my girl is soooo fridged
Adam: ah ! That ain't good you gotta try and get her In bed
by Bob te dude November 29, 2016
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Used as a connotation for telling the truth.
Relates to a question of whether a sandwich had be in the fridge all day and whether the answer was truthful.
Can then be used to test the honesty of any answer.
There’s a sandwich out back for you mate.
Anthony, is it in the fridge?
Anthony,....is it in the fridge?
by Staifreak March 24, 2018
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To put a food product in the refridgerator to prevent spoilage.
Woah it's so hot today, I'll have to find my chocolate and fridge it.
by Natt August 1, 2006
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