guys are incredibly gorgeous there.
girl: omg that prep guy is hot
girl 2: no! that one from gonzaga is hotter
girl: omg you're right
by ilovebritneyspears March 29, 2005
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guys are incredibly gorgeous there which sux because they are all gay.
girl: omg that prep guy is hot
girl 2: no! that one from gonzaga is hotter
girl: omg you're right too bad he is gay
girl 2: hey look at that SJC guy
girl: damn he is even hotter and probubly great in the sac
girl 2: not to mention he is strait. you know what I have a great idea lets have a threesome with that hott SJC guy
by Lugh May 3, 2005
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a bunch of fagots that couldn't get into georgetown prep.
a gathering of homeless fags that sit around in the metro thinking they have a golf course like georgetown prep
gonzaga kid: hey girl, do you want to take the metro with me
girl: get away from me you gonzaga high school fag
other guy: I go to Georgetown prep
girl: fuck me now
by holy moley guacamole September 13, 2019
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Gonzaga College High School is catholic high school located 6 blocks from the Capital. They are called the Purple Eagles.

They pwn St. John's and Prep.
Gonzaga College High School.

Girl: Gonzaga guy are a bunch of pimps. Prep likes it anal, and do St.John's have guys?
Other Girl: No? I dont think they do?
Girl: Yea, i think your right.
Other Girl: Yea, and those Prep guys are a bunch of rich homsexuals that only get in because there parents are rich.
Girl: True.
by lacrossepwns27 November 14, 2007
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An All Boys School: Located in Washington, DC, Gonzaga uses remodeled apartment buildings. They are known for liking other men and losing to St. John's College High School (featuring Girls) in football, basketball, and baseball. Most students are characterized by their shaggy hair and flamingly homosexual ways.
Student: Let's go pick up chicks at an all girls school.
Other Gonzaga Student: Sure, let's hit up Georgetown Prep.
by CA April 25, 2005
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Italian word for "early exit". Specifically when it relates to the March Madness tournament every year.
Matt: Hey, how'd your team do in the tournament this year?
Dan: They lost first round. Totally Gonzaga'd and busted my bracket.
by Tdirrty March 13, 2017
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