When you pack her poop chute and get her chocolate syrup on you forbidden tip as your dick lips kiss the head of a good baby
I gave her the mocha frapp last night and it was a duel of cylindrical forces
by Yanmar1994 October 2, 2020
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When you get your first taste of a Carmel frappacino and you blow a load in your shorts.
“You’ve never tried a frappacino? You’ve got to you’re going to frapp yourself.
by Annoyed neighbor December 11, 2022
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A adjective that means extremly fancy yet also faggy.
dude 1: I went to Starbucks for the first time and it was so frappe included.

dude 2: Yea but not as frappe included as Richie Rich.
by Omg Pez May 24, 2010
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A lanky fucking albino who can run several fields in a second
His mother was a cheetah and his father was very drunk
That fucker is a sketchy frappe
by Crow9 365 April 5, 2017
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A soundcloud rapping jhit that raps about pulling white girls
Your trash at rapping you sound just like Yung Frappe
by Litboi23421 June 7, 2019
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