An aggravated woman who reaches a point of annoyance that is highly, highly emotional and is no longer rational in any way shape or form. The upset caused has made the situation a 'femality'. The joining of the word female and casualty.
A woman starts to cry because he forgot an extra kiss at the end of a text. The woman is indulging in femalities. This girl is engaging in a femality.
by Femality March 1, 2012
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A new movement lead by Melissa Maher & Anai Melenez. The essence of the movement encompasses the idea that the female form is superior to that of males and males therefore must be used for reproduction only or killed. Those used for reproduction are to be locked up together and may exercise and eat normally on the 'inside' but may never leave. As children, females will be educated and nurtured towards appreciating only the female form and it's sexual attraction. It must be continually stressed that those beautiful and athletic males on the inside are for reproduction continue the beautiful race of women as we take over the world.
Is he athletic, intelligent and beautiful enough to take part in femalism or should we kill him now?
by ANAIMELISSA June 1, 2011
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The non guy, the person who is not a male, a feminine nonman, someone who just does not be a boy
Person: Hey, are you a guy, boy, man, male
Female: no I'm girl
Person: Intercourse?
by A man who is a woman male March 18, 2021
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an awesome peensniffer
damn, that femal is great!
by TwerkZilla87 October 25, 2019
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Female is the opposite gender to male(yes there are only two)
by NamNat March 13, 2018
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Something so much males see as an object for sex when they’re equally humans like us 😐

this is coming from a 13 year old boy
Yo bro, look at that peng ting over there im gonna get her number and do her hard all night probably gonna dump her right after but it’s all about the pussy if it’s shaved because it HAS to be

by reqliity December 13, 2020
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magical creatures that can bleed for a week without dying.
my week is almost up!
week of what?
My period, silly. i am a female.
by Smile_If_You're_PissedX) February 7, 2010
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