She does not stop. A felicia is someone who just goes and goes and goes. She will continue in any task she puts her mind to. Even if that task is eating 1,000 lbs of cement, she will do it. She will walk through a brick wall. She will cook all the eggs. She will lick every lamppost. She never stops.
That felicia over there needs to take a break
by Boogaloo bingo April 18, 2020
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Felicia is a crazy ass normally lightskin, she has alot of personalities, Felicia is a bomb ass person to be around that girl will make wanna be around her 24/7 she is very loyal to who she loves and she is a wife not no girl to be played with!! did i mention she fine asf.
"bye Felicia" is a phrase to get someone out of your face
Carly: you wanna fight ight am ready get your ass here
Nassy :bye Felicia
by Craxybaby August 23, 2020
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Felicia is a bad bitch and can get everybody she wants she can snatch your man and weave or wig. Don’t mess with her before she grab her hoes and jump yall
I need me a baddie Felicia
by Chickenhoe123 April 29, 2019
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A gatekeeper of your soul, that tears you up like a shark attack. Selfish little bitch that can ruin your life or make it better. A turner who will cry everything out and start a tsunami of crap. Whenever spotted, run away, it will haunt you like ouija. Will ask for your presents and not give you presents. Will always call and whine like a wolverine and not let you speak. Can joke like a hyena and not make you feel good. Always liking to be in her own skin and try to help you but doesn't work.
There was a felicia on my phone. butt rare tears wolf pink
by Donaldtrump2k16 November 17, 2016
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Usually a reference towards men, Felicia is a name that can be demeaning, meaning weak, irrelevant, stupid, and/or oblivious. In a more inappropriate manner, it can be used to say that someone has 'no balls.'
If you even have to read the example after reading the definition, then I have one thing to say. Bye, Felicia!
by Pseudonym? Irrelevant June 9, 2019
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When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two shits less that they are. Their name then becomes "felicia", a random bitch that nobody is sad to see go. They're real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. Instead, they now are "felicia".
"hey guys i'm gonna go"

"by felicia"

"who is felicia?"

"exactly bitch. buh bye."
by Jalus September 28, 2014
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The name Felicia (a Latin female version of "Felix", meaning happiness) is associated with saints, poets, astronomical objects, plant genera, fictional characters, and animals, especially cats. There are several versions of flowers named after Felicia which include, felicia elongata and felicia filifolia. Both are very beautiful flowers to match the very lovely and beautiful name of Felicia.

Man: "Did you see that sexy exotic looking woman who just drove by like a bat out of hell?"

Man2: "She's superfine."

Man1: "That's because her name is Felicia, and she one hot tamale."
by Kittyz Sister June 14, 2007
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