A one of a kind word that describes an experience, person, place, or thing
That was flippin shits hard

You're flippin shits whack
by dumbhoe69 September 22, 2019
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The normal thing to do with your wang while droppin a duce.
Billy couldn't believe that his friends haven't been flippin it out while poppin a squat.
by bill o riely February 23, 2011
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doing XTC and Magic Mushrooms at the same time.
man we are going hippy flippin tonight, we are gonna be trippin balls.
by wert yuio May 29, 2005
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utterly awesome, cool, outstanding. Also can be used to urge a conversation on. Originated from the movie Napoleon Dynamite.
Pedro: If I win the electon, you can be my secretary or something

Napoleon Dynamite: Flippin' sweet!

randomgirl1: I got you and I tickets to the next Warped Tour.

randomgirl2: That's flippin' sweet!
by gimmieyertots March 2, 2005
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