The art of jerking off on a girls back while she sleeps. When she wakes up the sheets are stuck to her back like a Cape.
While that bitxh fell asleep, shit i super man dat hoe.
by JoEY MaTTz September 22, 2007
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an oral sexual activity when a female lays down on her back and the male dips his testicles in and out the female's mouth as if her mouth was hot water and his testicles were the tea bag
After we had sex I decided to tea bag dat hoe
by Horris Niel October 17, 2007
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when you ejaculate on a girls stomach while she's sleeping, then put a sheet on her so when she stands up the sheet sticks therefore making her look like she has an apron.
Man, I'm gonna betty crocker dat hoe so when she wakes up she'll be ready to make me a grilled cheese sandwich!
by Jay Crocker November 5, 2007
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when you are fucking a girl and you cum on her back and then knock her out. and then in the morning the cum is still on her back, resembling a spider web. ;
josh fucked kari and he came on her back and then knocked her out and she woke up with a spidey web on her back. ;D and then josh told mack that he is going to spiderman dat hoe again.
by adkins September 15, 2007
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To hump a girl from behind while puffing a grape dutchmaster and listening to pink noise from an i-phone while wearing moon boots and discussing the galaxy.
by Elizabeth O December 8, 2007
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To tell a guy a joke, while their laughing stab them and take their wallet
That b*tch was talking sh*t, so i went up to her b/f and c-flo dat hoe
by A la Verga December 4, 2007
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The act of placing a slice of bread on the face of an unattractive female(butter face)and rubbing in a smooth circular motion during sexual intercourse. Caution: to avoid suffocation, please be considerate of your partner and poke holes in the bread for air.
Guy#1: Dude, that girl you brought home last night was a total butter face. Did you Wonda Bread Dat Hoe?

Guy#2: You best believe I did!
by ICantBelieveItsButter March 5, 2008
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