1. Potent weed.
i.e. Krippy, KindBud, Bomb Nugget
2.Adjective meaning good.
1. I got an oz of dank nugs for 280.
2. That burrito was dank as fuck.
by Swim September 11, 2005
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1. (adj.) Wet and moist, typically used as an uncomfortable sensory detail.

2. (adj.) Referring to marijuana.

3. (adj.) Classic; good.
1. The dank aura of a swamp was very offsetting.

2. The room smelled dank, probably because of the junkies who lived nearby.

3. The dank memes are always the best.
by RealityStrategist July 17, 2017
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Formerly used to denote really potent weed, it now means really or awesome
That party was dank!
by Dank Girl December 6, 2004
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1. a word used by hippies to describe something of high quilty

2. really potent weed, produced by proper slow drying of harvested plant material, usually requiring curing (putting plant material in paper bag, folding over top, placing that bag in another bag. Thus reducing air and light contact on said plant materials, so when you go to retrieve some of said plant materials, it is still moist, green and sticky because the resin glands are still intact and 'sweating'.
"that's a dank car"
"I'm smoking some dank weed"
by themlgduck May 9, 2016
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A term used to describe extremely potent marijuana.Also used to describe when someone is smoking.
"Oh man the weather reported 100% dankness tonight."
"You got the kush, I hear its dank as fuck!Were gonna get so blazed!"
by fozziebear420 March 11, 2013
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a word used to describe good weed
do u have any danks?
by courtney March 9, 2005
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Damn, that shit was dank. (referring to weed)
Where did you get the danks from? (referring to weed)
by theoneandonly March 1, 2005
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