see also ddr

an arcade game (although there are also versions for video game systems) where the player stands on a metal platform with 4 arrows (right, left, up, down). Arrows move up (or down if you have mad skillz) the screen, and when they hit the top the player steps on the corresponding arrow. The steps follow the beat of the music thats playing, which is where they get dancing, even though it doesnt really look like you're dancing (unless, once again, you have mad skillz and can spin and do all this other crazy stuff... takes lotsa coordination). 5 modes - beginner, light, standard, heavy, challenge. Challenge isnt too much different from heavy though. The step patterns and speed of the steps get faster/harder as the modes get harder, lotsa songs are a lot harder than others *cough*LEGEND OF MAX*cough*. really addicting, lotsa fun, awesome game. GO TO AN ARCADE AND PLAY IT, YOU LOOSER!!! =P
by rainynights447 August 5, 2005
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1)The Illusion of Arrows flying in front of you when you close your eyes after playing Dance Dance Revolution for long Enough

Also known as DDRP

2)Proof that Dance Dance Revolution is a legal Drug
Maniac: I can't Concentrate!
Spectator: Why Not?
Maniac: I've got the DDR Phenomenon!
Spectator: the What?
Maniac: the Dance Dance Revolution Phenomenon
by Envy The Sin July 16, 2008
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A dance dance revoulution master gets all the bitches waped around his dong amd dance all gets perfect on every song.
Dyaln is a dance dance revolution master all the bieches
by herffish96 February 9, 2015
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