Dirt Merchant - Someone who is not financially required to shop at stores like the Salvation Army but do so for they're financial (ebay) or personal benift
Pekar - buying video games at a Sal Army and then selling them online or turning them in for credit at unsuspecting resellers
by oulaxer11 August 17, 2005
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Dildo Master. Plan and Simple. Need I say more? Exactly.
D-Master: dude.. my girlfriend broke up with me... she said i was being an asshole.

Smart Guy: actually.. no your wrong. if you were an asshole you would still be together with her right now. you were just being yourself, DM.
by Alpha Male Taz January 30, 2011
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The absolute best fucking person that ever touched the earth and ever will. Everyone elses purpose on this earth is to help him. All people before him were created to help produce him. He is the epitamy of evolution. After he dies kill yourself becaues there is nothing else worth living for
by DM November 22, 2003
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DM is how you chat on social media like twitter and instagram.
by XxMusticOwlxX March 25, 2016
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DM. Noun
DM’s all have unnaturally large brains and are the smartest living being to ever walking the face of our planet(Earth).DM’s are the greatest at all they do( sports, PewDiePie’s Pixelings, math science. Etc. You can find this information any were including in many origin stories of Earth. It can also be found in holy scripts.
“ He is a DM I would not prefer to face him in any competitive game or I would lose!”
by Dr. BigBrain November 28, 2019
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Acronym for 'Direct Mail', a media which used to posting goods infomation especially promotional products the store provided. Usually a piece of paper or more, featuring effectivity and celerity.
It says the 32' LCD TV only costs $499.9 today on the DM, I am so gonna get one.
by Kyle J. Shi November 24, 2007
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"That fellow's DM is pretty thick."
by John March 3, 2005
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