While technically not bad musicians they have become the super stars of the black metal scene. Headed by frontman Dani Filth, a bombastic idiot who is an ultra poser on all accounts. Listened too mostly by the sheep that shop religiously at hot topic they have created a sound which is commercial black metal and deviated completely from the true black metal culture. A culture based on murder and arsen.
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A band with a name to match their talent.
Guy #1: Did you hear that new cradle of filth song? It's siiiick.

Guy #2: If you're in to metal that sounds like a fricken dog on meth, then I guess you're right on this one buddy. I'm gonna listen to some iced earth.
by Dogta Wiwy. September 30, 2007
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the g8est band ever
probable the best fuckin metal band in the world no other can beet cradle of filth
dani filth fuckin ace ass front man i mean u could never fuckin beet him he is the almighty

there have bin 2meny other ppl in this band 2 name like charles hedger fuckin god
dave pybus fuckin wiked bassist
back up vocalist Sarah Jezebel Deva fuck chick rocks
rosie smiths keyboardest godess umung other ppl
by natty the metal head February 12, 2009
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a band that makes up there own damn words or purposly searches through the dictionary to find the biggest word possible so they can use it in one of there songs. with scary vocals I swear every time dani filth screams the guitarist whacks him in the balls with his guitar. in one word......... terrible
This precipitous weir to Hell's high gate. what the hell does that mean anyway?
by Nick January 30, 2005
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The best fuckin shit I have ever heard! (yes I am a girl too!)
COF Fan:Hey...Have you heard of Cradle of Filth?
MM Fan: No
COF Fan: Well fuck you! *Shoots MM fan in the head* From the Cradle to enslave is my name!
by From The Cradle To Enslave March 15, 2004
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