A fun loving, Nice, funny and silly girl, But boy is she hot 🔥
Damn CC is Hot AF!
by Dragoñ November 23, 2016
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has 2 meanings along with the others given:
1. Chubby Chaser
2. Chubby Chick
"Look at that CC, she's such a fat POS!!"
by Chyo Mamma January 8, 2009
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"Come Cuddle"; refers to wanting the person you're texting to either literally go to them to cuddle or figuratively imagine that you are doing so (as a role play). Often used in texting between couples.
"Babe I'm tired, cc?"
"I missed you, cc"
by mishon novak February 10, 2016
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1. Cock Craving Syndrome- a mental disorder in which a person has an insatiable taste for the male penis

causes include:
a) sexual experience earlier than 14 years old
b) having sex with well endowed men
c) just bein a straight out hoe
can occur in men or women
can result in awkward mornings, STD's, and a loose vagina or rectum

there is no cure
similar to nymphomania
psychological help is preferred for patients with CCS
Chris-"Hey eric I think your mom might have a case of CCS"
Eric- "What is CCS? Should I be worried?"
Chris- "Cock Craving Syndrome and don't worry from last night I could tell your mom had it bad and I gave her a fix"
by bogzybogz June 22, 2010
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by CC Chong December 5, 2021
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Chubby chaser ppl who are attracted to fat ppl
by ISIMPFORPOLOG February 14, 2023
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