#1 hiding hole 😂😂
so fucking loose
nobody wants to go in bed with him
“ her bumhole looks like kaans bumhole”
by your step dad. February 1, 2018
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Someone whos get pleasure from bumhole fucking !!
a man might ask a women if she like bumhole pleasures
by Mystous January 20, 2009
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A derogatory term with no specific definition. Generally used quite casually in the same sort of context as fartbag and arsesucker.
Tim: "Bagsy front seat!"
Gregg: "Oh you always get the front seat you maggot sucking bumhole!"

"Well, at least I don't suck maggots you maggot sucking bumhole!"
by mikethemilf November 9, 2008
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Much like rock, paper, scissors but instead, the middle finger is raised to symbolise cock, first 2 fingers in a V to represent muff and an "ok" gesture (thumb and first finger in a circle, other fingers pointing up) to show bumhole. First seen in Nathan Barley
by Evilded December 15, 2005
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When someone can fit 2 dicks, one on top of the other, inside of their anal cavity.
Cor blimey, she can fit 2 in? Get me in on that we can do a double decker bumhole”

“Come on lads, let’s team up and giver her a double decker bumhole”
by Hamuel Sicks August 10, 2020
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The ultimate roast. Nothing could beat a comeback of mega bumhole pooface. Usually used by 8 year olds and smart adults.
Well you are a mega bumhole pooface. Get wrecked loser. You just got beasted on noob
by ZeMasster December 31, 2019
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