1.Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight.
2.Excellent; wonderful.
3.Delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration
by Albert JC November 15, 2005
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1. A very pretty girl

2. A inspiring hip hop song by Eminem off of his album Relapse, probably one of the only good songs on the album.
1. That girl is so beautiful!

2. Man, Beautiful is a fucking epic song by Eminem.
by Blah_Blah012 May 10, 2011
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What a truly caring and kind boyfriend says to his girlfriend. If he says your hot dump him, hes a flake and not worth your time.
Boyfriend:You are the most beautiful person i have ever met.

Girlfriend:I LOVE YOU
by red5dress February 21, 2010
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Beautiful is something you only get to experience once. When people are beautiful they are themselves and have amazing personalities. When something is beautiful it doesn't mean a diamond ring or a fancy necklace. It's a thing that you never want to go away. Some things that are beautiful are love, best friends, soul mates, family, and any other things you believe are beautiful. When you see a beautiful person it's not their looks that make them beautiful; it's their soul. So if you happen to see something beautiful cherish it. Don't let it go because you won't get the same moment twice.
Isn't that Beautiful???


Be• you•tiful
by ilovecake0512 January 10, 2017
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Something hidden in every girl on the Earth. The ability to shine, so wonderful, although they may not have realized it yet. No matter how old you are, how small, how shy, your time will come to glow.
"Get out there, beautiful. It's your time to rise above the rest and reach the stars."
by -Friends forever, till the end December 28, 2016
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Everyone and everything and how they're special in their own way. It's that quality that sets you apart from others.

In other words, you.
by Samantha the Band Dork February 18, 2011
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When most people hear the word Beautiful they think of someone who has a pretty face or a nice body but people come in all shapes and sizes and they're all beautiful in their own way. Some are beautiful because they're funny or sweet or nice or just because they're a good person. Don't judge someone just by how skinny they are or if they would commonly be referred to as 'pretty' or 'hot'. Because even if they're not necessarily pretty on the outside they could be beautiful on the inside.
She's beautiful.
by That Girl You Don't Know March 13, 2013
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