Kim-anh, noun. A pokemon obsessed, awesome person with black hair and delicate features. Unafraid to be a nerd, she simultaneously appears in the blink of an eye to throw out some irrelevant facts about video games, anime, and manga. Always highly resourceful with a large abundance of music. When something needs to get done, she will accomplish it thoroughly. Plus she is an awesome fangirl.

(Kim-anh jumps out waving a fan) GENERIC RANDOM PRAISE!!!
by Sage Wood October 5, 2010
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Literally THAT Viet girl you can’t help but notice, truly one of a kind. Tue Anhs tend to be shy and observant as well as a cold-hearted and playgirl demeanor but deep down she’s a softie and loves hard. Loyal, passionate, with good looks and expensive taste, and a brain. What more could you ask for?
You heard of Tue Anh? I’d kill to be around a girl like that!

Tue Anh’s really that ex I can never get over. The sweetest of the bunch really.
by guacamoledino November 22, 2021
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A cute girl, thin, who has a hot body and a pretty face. Chau Anh is very creative, she never has to worry about the 'creator blocking' stuff and she has a warm heart. Even though she never shows, she is hospitable and fragile. Chau Anh could spend hours sitting and overthinking about things people said. She could be a leader but sometimes she let her emotions guide her way. Friends, family, children, co-workers love and appreciate her. She is good at learning and has a talent in studying new languages. Chau Anh is an artist and can play an instrument or sing.
Wow! Chau Anh is such a good singer!
I saw Chau Anh yesterday with her boyfriend.
Chau Anh and her girl-bestfriends are quite popular on social media.
by SeaDisaster November 22, 2021
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A very sped viet girl who is always kicking a boy named Brasens shins
Holy shit i just kicked him im such a vy-anh
by Blazergamez October 5, 2019
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Anh Thi is such a good girl, she can do a lot of things for her friends. She’s really jealous and possessively. At the beginning, no one want to be his friend, but when people know her, everybode is hooked on her. She is annoying, wicked and honest , but his friends love’s her for this.

You have to have an Anh Thi in your life. She really love his friends, even if she doesn’t show it.
by Urbantriz January 29, 2018
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A Vietnamese word that described a girl that is cute, smart, beautiful and kind.
I love Anh Tho
by give me a name:)) November 13, 2020
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a sweet-ass asian porn star.
hottest chick alive.
thao anh, your really sweet. get yo' salad over here.
by Emilie Millare March 16, 2008
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