The one pop singer who doesn't sing about asses and fuckboys. She also has a good singing voice unlike most of Hollywood
by Acemead20 February 25, 2016
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When you put one finger in her pussy and one in her asshole and can feel each finger through the little wall separating them. "Hello, from the other side"
Did you hook up with her?

Yup, I did the adele on her all night and got smelly fingers
by Adeleguy October 12, 2017
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The prettiest girl to ever have lived.
Tall, smart, and the best listener and emotional sponge.
You'll never ever want to lose Adelle.
Boy: Ah that guy is lucky to have Adelle. I'm depressed and don't have a Del

Boy 2: haha she's mine
by The_Artsy_One December 22, 2019
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a girl who is really sweet, can make you smile and laugh really fast. she is REALLY and i mean REALLY talented. so if you ever see an adell you better make her yours because those girls are special.
I've got a friend, and her name is Adell.
by roland (r8lands) May 12, 2021
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when you think you're over something, but then it comes back and you totally fall to pieces.
"I didn't think I was excited for the new Star Wars movie, but as soon as I saw Chewbacca in the trailer, I'm totally Adeleing."
by vanishiwa November 9, 2015
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A short girl who just wants everybody to smile and make people laugh. She can sometimes come out as pretty. She is normally blonde or light brown. She is almost always single as she waits for the right man. She can normally be caught singing and dancing and likes to spend lots of time with her family and friends. She only wants people to be friends and laugh and smile, the only times when she doesn't smile is when people aren't friends. She will always sing along to Disney films and will get them stuck in her head!
-did you see Adelle today?
-yeah, she looked so cute!!
-she is so good at singing!
-I know!
-it's like I never see her frowning!
-it's because she never does!!
by Adelles friend May 29, 2017
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Very impulsive, Likes to wank, Gets aroused by the arts such as; Music, Painting and Drawing. Usually an extrovert and likes sushi.
girl: she needs to get her nose out of those books, or else her eyes will fall out...
guy: i think shes pretty damnzablez
girl: maybe you'll find one in paris
by MIKEHAWK69 August 16, 2008
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