when you take away privileges from a person in your game/server.
what a cunt sucking mr. hobbit hole member maker annoying pickle chin ass boy with chairs on top that bitch took my privileges.
by itzMusen November 16, 2020
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A sexual foreplay act in which an individual stricken with diarrhea farts onto their partners face, thus splattering small pieces of poo-poo creating the illusion of freckles on their face.
Last night John had the runs, so he was the freckle maker that evening.
by Da Freckle Maka March 25, 2016
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A kinder and gentler phrase to be used in the place of the word "fucker".
Brenda: "I got sent to the principal's office today for allegedly telling the teacher to fuck that fucking fucker in regards to the principal, but I got in even worse trouble when the principal asked about my comment and I told him that I had actually said to make love to that love-making love maker. Which one is worse?"
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A love maker is a man who listens strictly to music about making love that you can make love to without ever listening to anything else. He talks in the low voice of Barry White to everybody by starting every conversation with "You know I love you, girl!"
Gordilia: "That guy Lambert has listened strictly to the Clean Up Man by Willie D in his car and wherever he goes for every second of his entire life with that song on eternal loop without ever stopping! It just plays incessantly wherever he goes!"

Jerome: "What a Love Maker!"

Lambert : "You know I love you, girl, but..."
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A man's testicle, or balls, create the cum. Thus not only is it the cum maker, so is the Man. Can be used for both.
1. "My balls are full. They are great cum makers"
2. "Loaded up my lady last night, twice. I am the cum maker"
by Captain Breed June 10, 2022
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A place for absolute crackheads that is the basement below general chat
Sanford: Hank, have you seen Mod Maker Lounge?
Hank: I will not go into the basement.
by CrashinBasher July 15, 2022
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