Wears adidas track pants, adidas track jackets, and either Superstars or Converse. Hair is usually dyed blonde/brown. Listens to K-pop and watches Korean dramas. Hangs out with other FOBs. Basically a hivemind. Usually goes to Chipotle, Starbucks, or Yogurtland in spare time. Posts pictures of food on Instagram with their new iPhones that daddy got for them.
Guy 1: Do you see that wannabe FOB?
Guy 2: Yeah look at her with her adidas trackpants and brand new iPhone.
by Swagadillian Manifesto February 13, 2016
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someone who wishes s/he lived in the "Hoo" so they could party it up with Steve-o!
by LaLa January 29, 2004
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A girl who purposely tries to find clothes that are the exact opposite of cool and popular. Listens to punk rock music even though she doesn't like it. Wears dirtied up chuck taylors, probably purposely dirties them up at home.) Wears poppy neon, mix match, or dark colors. Tries to be rebelious to get in trouble purposely. Thinks its "different" to be a poser. Usually puts on this act to be like thier punk rock inspiration. Example: Avril Lavagne.
Oh, I just threw this on. (Tried really hard to be UNcool/is being a punk rock wannabe)
by Bayley NXT May 13, 2015
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A broke poser receiving public assistance who tries to get close to celebrities or other wealthy people without spending any money. Then they brag to others about their ability to frequent places where famous people spend time. Their reports are meant to make them seem important and/or wealthy, even though they are actually receiving some form of welfare.
The Welfare Wannabe camped in a tent near the home of a multi-million dollar home owned by a celebrity, and then reported that he was vacationing on the property adjacent to the home of the celebrity.
by ZohanSam June 17, 2019
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Somebody who takes credit & steals or rips off ideas, concepts, names from other peoples work. For their own gain.

A Copycat

Termed coined by Wrestling Promoter Terry Landel.
There's too many reach-around wannabes in the Wrestling Business today!
by Space Cowboy Nick-G January 12, 2023
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People who won't to be your hoes but you won't let them.
she's such awannabe hoesbecause She keeps trying to get with me but I won't let her
by Jamesone97 August 16, 2017
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Someone who tries to be a player but fails horribly. Feeds the same bullshit to the same people, and they put 2 and 2 together. Full of lies and creates a whole fake persona depending on the person with them knowing what they’re really like.
He feeds his insecurities by being a wannabe player.

Fuck the wannabe player
by Opheliax2 October 8, 2020
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