Sander is the best looking guy you’ll ever find.
He has a big giant ass penis (12 inches long wide pipe). He is very attractive and gentle. Sander usually gets girls on their knees without even doing anything.
Sander is the only one that can roll a joint like Bob Marley.
Damn gurl, that guy’s dick is huge!
His name must be Sander.
by James Gay October 10, 2018
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n. Person who prefers to just sit in the sand. All day. Every day. No real ambition.

Yo! Up for a little skateboard action?

No. I’m more of a sander.
by gnostic3 August 4, 2020
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A sander is a tall and handsome man with natural brown curly hair. Sanders can be very shy at first, but when you get to know one he can open up a bit more. He is dedicated to his studies, which can lead to a Sander being a very old virgin. Sanders have a really beautiful smile, with a lot of wrinkles when he makes an expression on his face. A Sander

likes to listen to the most ordinary music, you could take him to a random popfestival and he would enjoy himself.

Sanders are very wellbehaved people, and big SIMPS to the girl they like. They are very softhearted people, and most of their love-language comes in touch. Sanders are always there to help you when you have troubles. They care more about the wellbeing of other people and they tend to forget to care for themselves. Make sure your Sander brushes their teeth every evening!

Sanders have the most beautiful smile and twinkel in their eyes when they see the person they love most. They have a large penis and are very proud of it.

If you have a Sander in your friendgroup: take good care of them. They are awesome people.
Sander: "Hi my name is Sander"
Ilse: "Please marry me"

girl:"Damn, he is soooo hot!"
Ilse: "No, that is my Sander!"
by heymoppie_ikhouvanje_ November 21, 2021
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Noun - a geriatric socialist necromancer who epitomizes hypocrisy, arrogance and elitism.
Used in a sentence: "I was talking to this Sander at the bar last night. Total idiot."
by TheRealStentor February 23, 2019
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The most sexy person in theworld, he is a god at gaming and he smells godlike. He peoduces the most testosterone than every guy ever. Meet Sander
Sander is 10x better than Noah
by FuckBizhes October 10, 2018
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A sander is a person who can tell it like it is while having the balls to do what he wants when he wants. He is a made man who has finally made it to the big time, a true baller. 50% of Sander's are cockasian and 25% asian or black A real sander exhibits an exuberant knowledge the finer things in life that are often not experienced by common society, such as an eye for fine automobiles, a refined taste in women , is a cannabis connoisseur and liquor.
Wanna ball so hard like Sander.
by Mark suckmyburg November 7, 2019
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